Have you ever gotten that feeling of nervous excitement? It’s that flutter in your stomach that won’t go away, and no matter what you do, your anticipation keeps on building. The past few days, I’ve been riding a roller coaster of emotions.
Pure excitement is racing through my veins as the release of Lunaria draws closer, followed by a wave of bittersweet nostalgia. I’m preparing to put to rest a series that is very near to my heart. It’s strange and thrilling all at the same time. For as much as I can’t wait for Lunaria to be released, a part of me that longs for the story to keep going.
But all good things must come to an end, and A Soulmark Series has run its course.

Although I’m buzzing with ideas for the spin-off, I’m forcing myself to pump the breaks on plotting.
A Soulmark Series contains the first novels I’ve written and published. I created the world haste and enthusiasm with my fingers always to slow to catch up to my thoughts. I fashioned characters I longed to read myself and learned throughout the series how to flesh them out better. As I step back and look at the content I provided you, I feel in my heart the stories could have been better. The plots made to be more riveting. The characters given more depth and layers.
More. More. More.
“You’re harshest critic is always going to be yourself…”
— Michael Ian
I do believe that with each book, my writing and stories improved, and I thank you for sticking around to see it. It’s been such a delight to interact with you and read your reviews. Doing either never fails to bring a smile to my space. But in 2020, I’m pushing for gold with the spin-off series.
I’m committed to giving you that “More. More. More.“
I’m going to build out the Dark Court to a whole new level. Flush out every nook and cranny and deliver you detail and atmosphere that makes puts you in the story with the cast. I want to share these details with you, as well. Let you see my notes and my thought process behind the supernaturals and their politics. Because if this series is anything like I imagine it to be, we’re all going to need a little helper guide on the side to be properly immersed 😉
I want to pace out the development of each character and make sure they all weave together effortlessly. I want the cast to build each other up… and take each other down.
Before I turn my imagination on full blast and dive into a headspace that will have me staring off into space for hours, I’m going to read. I’m going to better my writing.
Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass was recommended to me by an editor to help grow my writing skills, and I can’t wait to have it in my hands! TBH I feel like a kid waiting for the first day of school to come. I’m so excited to learn new techniques and bring my writing to another level. Most of all, I’m looking forward to producing a new series that will blow the last one out of the water.
Simply sharing my plans with you brings that thrill of excitement spiraling back up my chest. I hope it does for you as well.
I’ll keep you updated on all my progress for the spin-off series, but for now, I’ll leave you with the three words that I think best describe it.
Suspense, Seduction, & Sass
All is fair in love & magic