Magic is a seductive idea.
The power it entails. The feats it accomplishes. The endless wonder of its source and reckoning.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve touted on about the Book of Magical Charms currently possessed by Chicago’s Newberry Library. I’ve glanced over its pages with excitement, and finally, earlier this week, I gave it a more thorough look. As it turns out, I wasn’t the only one!
Before I go into my thoughts on the spells and charms that spoke to me, I want to give a special shout out to a few readers:
Tina D. | Trina R. |Cynthia C.
Thank you for sharing with me the charms that caught your attention and why! I especially enjoyed reading Cynthia’s point of view on the charm to ward off toothaches. She made special note of the application of mind over matter to conquer pain, and the power of belief, laced within the charm. What a catch! I couldn’t agree more. Here’s the charm in question!

Fryer Bacons Charme
against the Toothache.
The name of the partie disease is to be written right against the Charme upon the other Side. Prik all the vowells. Et fiet per Gratiam Dei.
For the Toothache
Take a tooth out of a deadmans skull and hange the same about the partie’s neck, till the payne cease.
for the Toothache.
Write theis words upon a Paper. Aligat Galis Aualis. Hang it about the parties neck: et Sanus erit…
Now onto my inspirations

To Speak with Spirits
Call their names Orimoth, Belmoth Limoc and Say thus. I conjure you by the neims of the Angels + Sator and Azamor that yee intend to me in this Aore, and Send unto me a Spirite called Sagrigid that doe fullfill my comandng and desire and that can also undarstand my words for one or 2 yuares; or as long as I will.
Initial thoughts: The length of time strikes an odd chord within me. Why was it necessary to add such a lengthy time parameter on this spell? What would it accomplish?
These questions had my mind spilling over the countless horror movies and television shows I’ve seen portraying spirits and ghosts. Which, then, in turn, made it topple into notions of the Underworld.
I thought about the possibilities of commanding a spirit and what that would entail—its consequences mentally and physically on yourself and those around you… the chance of peace it could bring… After staring into space for quite some time, a character formed in my mind.
Well, not ‘formed’ per se.
To be completely honest, this character was already loitering in my mind, having been flushed out some in Mr. Vrana (A Soulmark Series Book 4). All of the challenges and possibilities weaved beautifully around this character, adding depth and countless layers to their persona. I’m genuinely excited to explore their story in the spinoff, and I would share who I have in mind, but I won’t ruin the surprise.

To stop the bleeding of a wound.
the dried bloud of the partie applied therunto doth it when all other faile.
Initial thoughts: “… when all other faile.”
Yikes. I can’t help but be struck by the tail end of this charm. Almost immediately a scene conjures in my mind of Jax, unable to stop the bleeding of some wound, no matter how hard he tries. I can’t say as to whether this scene is a reality for Jax or some horrible nightmare. Nor can I say who was bleeding, though my imagination leads me to believe it was someone of importance to him.

To torment a Witch
Put thatch over a witches bed, burn it and that will torment her. Some Say, Cast a dogs turd over her house. Others say set a hot horseshoo over their own dore against her Some put Quicksilver vnder the threshold
To withstand Witchcraft and
to punish and torment the witch
Say the 31. Psalme: and cast the patients urine into the fire: or els boyle it.
for speaking in sleep.
Temper southernwood with whitewine drink it 3. nights going to bed.
Initial Thoughts: I have a problem. My mind is sincerely stuck on Jax as a character. He holds so much potential and possibility. Envisioning him, I see endless avenues of plot and development. It’s really too bad I’m stuck on him because this particular charm inspires a darker storyline. One I think Jax is meant to fulfill.
Double yikes.
I won’t go into detail on my full inspiration, but I’m confident your minds will lend you theories and suspicions based on the title of these charms. Any guesses?