Lunaria’s editing has been a journey my friends. One that is far longer than any book before. I blame and thank how exhaustingly thorough AutoCrit is, followed up by a Grammarly assisted readthrough. Altogether, the thoroughness of this first round of edits has been so damn satisfying. With every chapter I finish, I stop and smile because of how proud I am of this story.
This ending will be epic—I pinky promise!
On that note, you probably want to know where I’m at (per this blog posts title) in the editing process. I’m on chapter 17 of 21. I have FIVE CHAPTERS left—but wait, there’s more!
I found a new editor! AND I found a new proofreader.
Knowing I’m so near the end and preparing to hand off my manuscript makes my stomach fill with butterflies. Or rather, very large birds.
I can’t rid myself of this excitement and anticipation. This is the end of a series—my first book series—and rounding off these stories and characters is very gratifying. But it’s not the only thing bringing me joy.
I’m honestly thrilled to have a new editor and proofreader. The services I received from my last editor, while very adequately doing their job, left me craving something more.
A good editor does so much more than their job description. They help writers hone their craft and find their voice. They push authors to write better and can make their stories sing. I want that push. I want every story I deliver to my readers—to you—to be better than the last.
Now that the end is in sight—oh, and did I mention I’m nailing down my release date? Yay, that’s happening—I’ve got to bust out my Pre-release Checklist and prepare myself for what’s to come. I already have a separate post-editing to-do list that grows every day.
- Cover tweaks
- Promotions
- Inkwell & Main Update — I’ll be requesting your HONEST input for this one
- Author Website Update
- Creating a super cool promotion for Lunaria’s release 🙂
- Advertising (so much advertising)
The list goes on and on and on, and writing it out kind of makes me feel overwhelmed, but that’s okay! I’m ready to tackle all of this head-on… during the holiday seasons.