I am incredibly fortunate to be able to follow my passion and write. Every day I take a moment to give thanks and appreciate my journey, my husband, and my readers. Without all of you, I’d be in a much different place in my life.
Earlier this month I went to my first conference for authors, one geared toward independent “indie” authors like myself. I met dozens of amazing authors who shared my passion and was introduced to some new series I couldn’t help but want to share with all of you!
Meet Amanda J. Clay, writer of sexy thrillers and gripping—often messy—love stories (Because, hey, the world is a complicated place). Her Redemption Series just came out with its fourth book!
I’m a lover of suspense and am always pleased when elements of romance are weaved into the mix. Be sure to check out Amanda’s series if you like your books filled with seductive suspense, and see her answers to my questions below.

1. In three words, describe The Keeper’s Promise.
Emotional romantic thriller.
2. What inspired you to write The Redemption Series?
Book one starts out in rural Northern California—not far from where I grew up. There has been a huge opioid problem there in recent years, much of which has been spawned by increased organized crime. I wanted to run with this idea as a possible thriller. But I wanted to give it a unique spin—thus my brain created the Estonian Opik Crime Family.
And of course, I love love stories, so I gave it a romantic twist.
3. The Keeper’s Promise is Book 4 in your Redemption Series—can readers jump right in?
Well, the series is progressive, and I do recommend start with Book One to really understand it. However, Book #4 does offer a nice alternative entry point. I think you could jump in here and understand what’s going on (although there would be some spoilers for 1-3!)
4. What is the first romance novel you read?
Ooh…let me think. Well, I read all of Jane Austen’s books as a kid. Not sure if that counts. The first more modern romance I remember reading was Nora Roberts’s The Gallaghers of Ardmore Trilogy. I’m nearly 100% Irish so my mom bought them for me when I was about 16.
5. What author or book inspired you to write in your genre?
Well, it’s a mashup really. I’ve been an avid reader since I learned. I now write romantic thrillers and mysteries, so it was really a matter of me falling in love with both genres individually and smashing them together.
If I’m really honest, it wasn’t a book but a movie that made me fall in love with love stories. When I was eight, we rented Robin Hood Prince of Thieves and I was hooked on the story of Robin and Maid Marian, haha. (C’mon, I was eight!). I became obsessed with forbidden love stories and fighting for love. This, of course, led me into books I was perhaps too young to read. 😉
I always had a love of mystery thrillers too. I loved playing Clue as a kid, and I was weaned on old Noir and Hitchcock films. This led me into reading Dashiell Hammett and Agatha Christie and the like. One day, I started to blend the two genres in my mind.
6. What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?
I think for me it was realizing that books could help me escape. They could take me to magical, foreign places. Through them I could be someone else. I remember coming to this realization pretty young. Five or six perhaps.
7. How long on average does it take you to write a book?
These days I can get a first draft out in about two-three weeks. It then takes another week of self-editing, then two weeks with my editor, then another week or so of final clean up.
8. What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?
Hmm…Trying to convince myself that I don’t suck terribly. Haha. I think we writers are naturally hard on ourselves. I read voraciously and love a well-written television show or movie. But sometimes after reading something particularly powerful, I feel like I have no business trying to write. I feel like such an imposter. And if I’m not careful, this can be really crippling.
As a teenager, I always thought I’d write fantasy. Then I read the Song of Ice and Fire series (Game of Thrones) and I was so blown away by what a masterpiece it was, I was completely terrified of ever even wanting to try my hand at fantasy!
This can happen even now that I have 11 books published.
9. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?
Ooh….Hmmm. I would say it’s a tie between Tuscany, Belize and the Bulgarian Mountains.
10. What’s your guilty pleasure?
11. What’s your favorite pick-line, cheesy or otherwise?
Hmm. I think if you’re going to go for a line, just be funny and give me the cheesiest thing you’ve got.
Or show me a magic trick. I’m a sucker for magic.
12. Do you have a favorite book you’ve written?
I LOVE my Redemption series but I do have a special place in my heart for a quirky contemporary called Lies in the Darkness.
13. What writing projects are on your horizon?
Right now, I’m working on the rest of the Redemption Series (Books 5-7). Once that’s complete I have a few stand-alone suspense projects to finish up.
Don’t be shy! Check out Amanda’s work and let her know what you think. The Keeper’s Promise, book 4 in her Redemption Series, is out now!
psst! What’s your favorite Nora Roberts book?